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Listing all the users in the department 'Arctic Research Centre'
AUID Name TitleTelephone number Mobile number OrganizationEmail  
138Birgit Olesen  2338 2117Arctic Research Centrebirgit.olesen@bio.au.dk 
83017Brian Keith Sorrell  9350 8779Arctic Research Centrebrian.sorrell@bio.au.dk 
575302Carlos M Duarte Quesada   Arctic Research Centrecarlos.duarte@bio.au.dk 
508858Claus Melvad  2324 4761Arctic Research Centrecme@mpe.au.dk 
173939Dorte Søgaard Schrøder   Arctic Research Centredoso@bio.au.dk 
223333Egon Randa FrandsenLogistikkoordinator 4191 5661Arctic Research Centreerf@bio.au.dk 
721482Eugenio Ruiz CastilloPostdoc  Arctic Research Centreeruizcas@bio.au.dk 
584180Johnna Michelle Holding   Arctic Research Centrejohnna@ecos.au.dk 
77391Lars Chresten Lund-Hansen   Arctic Research Centrelund-hansen@bio.au.dk 
529652Leendert Vergeynst  5057 7938Arctic Research Centreleendert.vergeynst@bce.au.dk 
724154María Josefa Verdugo AvelloPostdoc  Arctic Research Centrejosefa.verdugo@au.dk 
100601Pelle TejsnerAdjunkt8715 6695 Arctic Research Centretejsner@bio.au.dk 
124611Peter FunchLektor8715 65262338 2482Arctic Research Centrefunch@bio.au.dk 
468229Peter Schmidt Mikkelsen   Arctic Research Centrepemi@bio.au.dk 
227642Sascha Schiøtt  2221 2268Arctic Research Centresasc@au.dk 
154792Søren RysgaardProfessor 2464 3206Arctic Research Centrerysgaard@bio.au.dk 
46636Tenna Riis  6020 2641Arctic Research Centretenna.riis@bio.au.dk 
657475Wieter BooneResearch Engineer  Arctic Research Centrewieter.boone@au.dk 

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