Aarhus University Seal

Rosanne Liebermann


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Rosanne Liebermann CV

Areas of expertise

  • Old Testament

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


Using social scientific and comparative approaches, my research primarily focuses on the body and embodiment in the Hebrew Bible. This includes rhetorical uses of the body and closely related items, such as clothing, to construct ethnic identities, gender, and religious authority. I am also interested in how the medical humanities can inform biblical descriptions of pain and illness. Additionally, I have written on the reception of Hebrew Bible texts in the New Testament and Anglican Church.

Teaching activities

I teach in the required courses in Biblical studies in the bachelor's degree in Theology:

  • Bibelkundskab (Introduction to Biblical Studies: co-taught with New Testament)
  • Old Testament 1: Pentateuch (co-taught with Hebrew)
  • Old Testament 2: Psalms, Prophets, and Wisdom

And I teach the required course in Old Testament in the master's degree in Theology:

  • Old Testament Theologies: Pain and Suffering in the Old Testament

I have also co-taught (with New Testament) an optional bachelor's course on "Reading the Bible with and without Jesus."

I supervise bachelor's and master's theses on Old Testament topics.

Job responsibilities

  • Research
  • Teaching and supervision
  • Administration

Selected publications

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Selected activities

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