Aarhus University Seal

Adam Vigdor Gordon


Associate Professor, Dr

Primary affiliation

Adam Vigdor Gordon

Areas of expertise

  • Strategic Leadership
  • Industry Foresight

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


30 years' experience in foresight-based management and innovation, educator and practitioner. As academic faculty, I research the industry foresight and strategic leadership methods. As company advisor, I facilitate senior management perception of external environment change and savvy response.


I develop and apply the methods that underpin a high-quality leadership future view. I research external forces on organizations, and how to improve management anticipation and pre-emptive responses.

Teaching activities

I've developed and taught bachelor, master, executive, in-company and industry consortium programs -- in strategy, leadership and innovation -- across both business and public policy streams at 14 institutions. At Aarhus University BSS I teach various courses in Strategy, Foresight, and Innovation.


I am the Unesco Chair in Anticipatory Leadership and Futures Capabilities, in association with the Copenhagen Institute of Future Studies and various other Danish and international organisations that are part of our network.


As industry and policy advisor, I run workshops, seminars and data research to illuminate external change and assess client-preparedness for it. This involves addressing frontiers of societal, market, and technology shifts; reorienting services and solutions; and renewing organisation cababilities to back this up. 

Selected publications

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