Aarhus University Seal

Jackie M.L. Chan


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Jackie M.L. Chan CV

Areas of expertise

  • International trade
  • Foreign direct investment
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Firm and worker dynamics
  • Danish register data

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


Jackie M.L. Chan is Associate Professor at Aarhus University. His research interests include international trade, foreign direct investment, and firm and worker dynamics. He is a member of the Research Centre for Firms and INdustry Dynamics (FIND), and he has published in journals such as the Journal of International Economics and Review of Economic Dynamics.


Dr. Chan's research interests are international trade, foreign direct investment, and firm and worker dynamics. He conducts both theoretical and empirical research, with a focus on the analysis of micro-level data. His work has examined the impact of mergers and acquisitions, the role of networks in trade, and the effects of financial frictions.

Teaching activities

Tools for Empirical Economic Analysis and Consulting (Master’s)

Macroeconomics (Bacherlor's, Math-Econ Program)

Previously: Applied Economic Consulting (Master's), Firms in the Global Market Place (Bachelor’s), The Chinese Economy (Bachelor’s)

Selected publications

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