Aarhus University Seal

Nicolas Volet


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Nicolas Volet

Areas of expertise

  • Lasers
  • Photonic integration
  • Teaching
  • Entrepreneurship

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


Nick Volet holds a PhD in Physics from EPFL (Switzerland), after which he worked in Santa Barbara (CA, USA), first as a postdoc in silicon photonics at UCSB and later setting up an R&D center for a high-tech company. He now heads the Group of Integrated Photonics in the ECE Department of Aarhus University. He is a Board Member of the Danish Optical Society (DOPS) and an Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. In 2020, he co-founded UV Medico, a company based in Aarhus with the mission to fight the spread of infectious diseases with human-safe UV light. 


Our research activities are presented at this link.

Teaching activities

See our teaching portfolio at this link.

Selected publications

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