Aarhus University Seal

Christoph Raetzsch


Associate Professor

Primary affiliation

Christoph Raetzsch

Areas of expertise

  • Journalism Studies
  • Media Studies
  • Civic Communication Practice
  • Smart City
  • Digitisation

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


My research combines approaches from journalism and media studies to address the transformation of public communication against the background of digitisation, platforms and local civic communication practice. Using the concepts of performative publics and media practice I address the primacy of journalism for public communication in comparative perspectives. The second line develops a critique of digitisation through its underlying technological, political and social imperatives.

Teaching activities

I am teaching journalism studies (theories, methods, current challenges) in the global MA Erasmus Mundus programme. Global perspectives on challenges of digitisation, changing roles of journalistic and civic communication and new methods for journalism studies are my main fields. 


I have broad experience in supervising BA and MA theses on many fields of research in journalism and media studies. If you would like to do a PhD at AU, please get in touch to explore the possibilities well ahead of the respective due dates in Spring and Autumn.

In the field of digital methods, I am teaching in both the BA and MA programme in Media Studies, developing learning approaches for data-driven research with a critical, humanist perspective on contemporary developments.

Selected publications

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