Aarhus University Seal

Henrik Bech Seeberg


Professor, ph.d.

Primary affiliation

Henrik Bech Seeberg CV

Areas of expertise

  • Political parties
  • Political agenda-setting
  • Elections
  • Issue ownership
  • European and Danish politics

Contact information

Telephone number
Email address


I am the winner of the Gordon Smith and Vincent Wright Memorial Prize for the best article in West European Politics, 2020 & winner of the Peter John Prize for the best article in Journal of Public Policy, 2023. My book 'Explaining Local Policy Agendas'  (Palgrave Macmillan, 2022) won the Danish Local Government Award, 2023. I am a 'Sapere Aude' research leader on the project YOUTHPOL, funded by the Danish Research Council (6.500.000 DKr) and an AUFF NOVA Grant holder (2.000.000 DKr).


My research concerns the causes and consequences of party competition and political agenda-setting in advanced democracies. My research has appeared in Journal of PoliticsBritish Journal of Political ScienceEuropean Journal of Political Research, West European Politics, JPART among others.

Personal website: www.henrikbechseeberg.com

Teaching activities

Teaching fuels my research. I love engaging with my students and discuss how parties in Western democracies set the political agenda to tackle climate changes, terror, unemployment, and crime. 

Disseminating my research to a broader audience is a key goal for me, and I frequently lecture for high school students, appear in the radio, or write about my research in Danish newspapers.

Selected publications

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Selected projects

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