Aarhus Universitets segl

David Charles Harvey


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David Charles Harvey




David Harvey is an Associate Professor in Critical Heritage Studies at Aarhus University, Denmark. His work has focussed on the geographies of heritage and he has contributed to debates over processual understandings of heritage, heritage-landscape and heritage-climate change relations, as well as work on remembrance, on oral history and farming practice. With colleagues, he is presently developing work on ‘heritage-border complexes’, ‘peaceful/pacific heritage’ and ‘island living’. Recent work includes Creating Heritage: Unrecognised Pasts and Rejected Futures (edited with Tom Carter, Roy Jones and Iain Robertson, 2020) and The Real Agricultural Revolution: the Transformation of English Farming, 1939-1985 (with Paul Brassley, Matt Lobley and Mike Winter), which won the Thirsk Memorial Prize (2022) for Agricultural History Book of the Year.

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