Aarhus Universitets segl

Luis Miguel Jimenez Munoz



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Luis Miguel Jimenez Munoz




PhD project: Effect of processing conditions on functionality and digestibility of plant protein blends


University: Aarhus University


Department: Food Science


Supervisor: Milena Corredig, Professor, PhD in Food Science


Project term: 01/06/2019-31/05/2022


Master’s degree: MSc in Food Process Design and Management, Sabana University, Colombia



Using plant protein as food ingredients present some challenges due to their lower solubility, poor emulsifying properties and reduced sensitivity to crosslinking agents compared to animal derived protein sources. Functional properties of proteins are then critical parameters to consider for plant-based product development. Other parameters to consider are the amino acid profile and the individual digestibility of essential amino acids. For example, pea protein is a good source of essential amino acids. However, the protein quality of pea is limited by its low content of methionine. Thus, the digestibility and the contribution of essential amino acids presents some challenges, which can be solved by combining proteins from different plant sources. Blends of plant proteins that are higher in lysine yet lower in methionine (e.g., black bean, oat, soy, lentil, potato) with plant proteins that are lower in lysine yet higher in methionine (e.g., wheat, rice, hemp, and maize) may augment the quality of the amino acid profile. Plant-protein blends are currently a topic of great interest worldwide, but much fundamental work is needed. So far, very few studies have focused on plant protein-protein blends.



The aim of the project is to investigate the effect of different protein concentrates and isolates (i.e. protein content) and processing (using high moisture extrusion, heating, homogenization-sonication) on the microstructure, nutritional quality (defined by in vitro digestion) and technological functionality of plant protein blends for better understanding of their uses as food ingredients.


Partners of Collaboration: arhus University Centre for Innovative Food Research

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