Aarhus Universitets segl
Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur - Lingvistik

Job posting for Student Instructors at Linguistics Autumn 2024

Ansøgningsfrist 12. maj 23:59 CEST

Forventet start 1. aug

  • Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur - Lingvistik Jens Chr. Skous Vej 2 8000 Aarhus C

  • Tidsbegrænset deltidsstilling 1. aug 2024 - 30. nov 2024 2 timer pr. uge ID: 14992

Søg stillingen
We are seeking 2-3 student instructors for the following courses:
BA in Linguistics:
  • Danish grammar and linguistics diversity (2 hours pr. week, 13 weeks)
  • Language structures and grammatical theory: morphology and syntax (2 hours pr. week, 13 weeks)
MA in Linguistics:
  • Experimental psycholinguistics (2 hours pr. week, 12 weeks)
Programming skills necessary - see course description.


Applicants should have:
  • A solid background in the relevant academic areas for the position, including good grades for the course they are applying for, and other related courses.
  • Good communication skills, including the ability to work well with course coordinators, the ability to communicate well with students, and the ability to facilitate discussion and collaboration between students.
  • The ability to help course coordinators in preparing class activities, and to interpret and implement class plans in a clear and organized way.
  • Is enrolled as a student at Aarhus University when teaching.

Terms of employment

In most courses, instructors will be required to teach a total of 26 hours. For each hour taught, instructors will receive 1.5 hours paid preparation time, for a total of 65 paid hours. If the instructor has to teach the same content to two different classes, the preparation time for class two will only be 0.75 hours paid preparation time, for a total of 55,25 paid hours.
The hourly rate of pay is 258.41 DKK, including holiday pay.

Application process

When applying, please attach your application letter, CV, and grade transcripts.
You are more than welcome to apply for more than one course, please write your prioritized order for the courses. Each course requires a separate application. You will need to write them in the same document or attach it as extra attachments in the application system.
Each application should include a letter stating:
  • Which course you are applying to serve as instructor for.
  • A short motivation for your application for that course.
  • A short description of relevant knowledge and skills for the role of instructor, specific to the course you are applying for.
Application letters for each course should be no longer than a single A4 page. You can write it in Danish or English.

The deadline is May 12, and you will have an answer no later than June 15.

If you have any questions, please contact Head of department, Joshua Charles Skewes at afdelingsleder.lics@cc.au.dk.


Ansættelse sker i henhold til Skatteministeriet og SUL (studenterundervisere).
Ansøgningen skal vedlægges, kopi af eksamensbevis og eventuel dokumentation for tidligere undervisningsvirksomhed.

Aarhus Universitet vil være en attraktiv og inspirerende arbejdsplads for alle og ønsker en kultur, hvor hver enkelt kan udfolde og udvikle sig. Vi ser ligestilling og diversitet som en styrke og opfordrer derfor alle interesserede til at ansøge.

Faculty of Arts

Arts er et af fem hovedområder på Aarhus Universitet.

Arts bidrager til Aarhus Universitets forskning, talentudvikling, videnudveksling og uddannelser.
Med omkring 550 videnskabelige medarbejdere, 240 ph.d.-studerende, 9.500 bachelor- og kandidatstuderende samt 1.500 studerende på efter/videreuddannelse udgør Arts et stærkt og mangfoldigt forsknings- og uddannelsesmiljø.

Arts består af Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur, Institut for Kultur og Samfund og Danmarks institut for Pædagogik og Uddannelse. Enhederne huser hver især stærke fagmiljøer og danner udgangspunkt for interdisciplinær forskning og uddannelse.

Fagmiljøerne og uddannelserne på Arts indgår i internationale samarbejder og har et fælles mål om at bidrage til udviklingen af viden, velfærd og kultur i interaktion med det omgivende samfund.

Læs mere på arts.au.dk

Ansøgning sendes via Aarhus Universitets rekrutteringssystem, som kan tilgås under stillingsopslaget på Aarhus Universitets hjemmeside.

Spørgsmål til stillingen?

Joshua Charles Skewes

Joshua Charles Skewes Lektor, Institut for Kommunikation og Kultur - Lingvistik +4587162653 filjcs@cc.au.dk

Spørgsmål til ansøgning og proces?

Administrationscenter Arts - Arts HR +4587162298 emply.ar.hr@au.dk

Søg stillingen

Ansøgningsfrist: søndag den 12. maj 2024 kl. 23:59 CEST

36.500 studerende

inklusiv ph.d.-studerende

8.400 ansatte

opgjort i årsværk

7,3 mia. kr.
