Aarhus Universitets segl
Institut for Virksomhedsledelse

PhD Special Call: PhD position in consumer and marketing research on alternative plant-based food ingredients to replace eggs

Ansøgningsfrist 4. jun 23:59 CEST

Forventet start 1. sep

  • Institut for Virksomhedsledelse Fuglesangs Allé 4 8210 Aarhus V

  • Tidsbegrænset fuldtidsstilling 1. sep 2024 - 31. aug 2027 ID: 15013

Søg stillingen
Would you like to develop impact-oriented research that makes a difference for climate, health and animal-welfare? Are you ready to explore the evolving market trends driving the demand for plant-based alternatives? Do you want to investigate consumer behaviour and marketing strategies shaping sustainable business opportunities in collaboration with industry partners? Do you enjoy working independently and with large degrees of freedom to develop your own research while also being part of a supportive and knowledgeable team?

Then join our team for an exciting research project funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.
Aarhus BSS Graduate School, Aarhus University invites applicants for a PhD Scholarship in connection with the research project 'Consumer and marketing research on alternative plant-based food ingredients to replace eggs' at the PhD Programme Management. 
The position is available from September 1, 2024 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The overall research project

There is a growing market trend towards plant-based alternatives to animal-based products and ingredients, amongst others driven by climate, animal welfare, and health concerns. The PIER project aims to develop high-quality, climate-friendly, and affordable plant-based functional ingredients as egg replacers that are appealing to specific segments as well as mainstream consumers in terms of taste, product functionality, and societal benefits.

The research group

The project is funded by Innovation Fund Denmark. It is coordinated by Marianne Hammershøj at the Department of Food, AU, and a collaboration between AU-FOOD, the MAPP Centre at Department of Management, AU, and the companies Palsgaard and Nexus. At the MAPP Centre, the project team consists of professor Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, associate professor Susanne Pedersen, and associate professor Lina Jacobsen.

Job description

At the MAPP Centre we will be working with the following research questions:  
  • Which are social media associations and sentiments regarding plant-based ingredients among case studies of micro- as well as macro-influencers in the field of food - both in Denmark and selected export countries?
  • What are different marketing strategy scenarios according to a systematic review of consumer segmentation studies in the field of ‘plant-based’ ingredients?
  • Which communicational framing effectively communicates plant-based alternatives to selected target groups (applying experiments in the VR supermarket lab).
The PhD project is to be carried out as part of the research project. The PhD student´s role in the research questions listed above will depend on the chosen candidate and his / her PhD project related to the topic of the overall project.

During the project you will complete a PhD education as described in the rules and regulations for the PhD programme

Your qualifications

We are looking for a candidate who:
  • Has a relevant Master degree with knowledge on theories and methods in areas such as consumer behaviour, marketing management strategy, retailing and/or psychology.
  • Has experience with qualitative and quantitative consumer research and is passionate about conducting innovative, high-quality consumer and marketing research with societal impact.
  • Is fluent in English and additional languages. Danish language is a plus but not a requirement.
  • Experience with social media data and/or virtual reality as well as industry experience is a plus.

Further information

For further information about the position, please contact Jessica Aschemann-Witzel, Tel.:  +45 9350 8332, Email: jeaw@mgmt.au.dk, or Susanne Pedersen, Tel.:  +45 2993 3928, Email: suspe@mgmt.au.dk
If you need help uploading your application or have any questions about the recruitment process, please contact HR supporter Maria Grauert Bodin Tel.: +45 8715 3445, Email: mgb@au.dk

Who we are

The position is linked to the MAPP Centre, which is a world-class research Centre working on relevant, interdisciplinary and high-quality research on citizen-consumer perspectives in the agricultural and food system and on commercial and social marketing of foods and related services. We study value generation and societal impact, in particular with regard to health and sustainability, as well as the implications of insight into consumer behaviour for both industry and public policy.

For more information about the MAPP Centre, please visit http://mapp.au.dk/.

The Department of Management is one of the six departments at Aarhus BSS, one of the five faculties at Aarhus University. Aarhus BSS unites the business and social science-related research fields and brings them closer together to reflect the close relationship between society and the business community. As part of a Top 100 university, Aarhus BSS, and specifically the Department of Management, has achieved the distinguished AASCB, AMBA and Equis accreditations - the latter specifically applying to the school’s core business activities.

The department’s research and teaching environment is highly international and culturally diverse with a mix of Danish and international academic staff members and PhD students. We employ more than 160 academic staff including researchers, PhD students, and research associates and cover a broad range of disciplines within management. We aim to conduct high-quality research, and we give high priority to publishing our research in leading academic journals and presenting it at recognised conferences. In addition, we have a dynamic exchange of international researchers, who stay at the department for a shorter or longer period.

For more information about the Department of Management, please visit: http://mgmt.au.dk/.

Place of work

Department of Management
Fuglsangs Allé 4
8210 Aarhus V

Krav og vilkår

Du kan læse mere om krav til ansøgningen i vores ansøgningsvejledning samt finde regler og retningslinjer for ph.d.-uddannelsen her.
Når vi bedømmer ansøgerne, lægger vi særlig vægt på følgende kriterier:
  • ansøgerens akademiske kvalifikationer (bedømmes ud fra den adgangsgivende eksamen)
  • kvaliteten og relevansen af projektbeskrivelsen
  • ansøgers akademiske studieegnethed og evne til at gennemføre projektet inden for rammerne af ph.d.-forløbet.
Du kan læse mere om bedømmelsesprocedure og -udvalg udpeget af dekanen her. Bemærk, at for ansøgninger til programmet i psykologi er bedømmelsesproceduren yderligere specificeret her.

Vi opfordrer ansøgere til at vedlægge dokumentation for, hvor de karaktermæssigt ligger placeret på deres årgang (både på bachelor- og kandidatniveau). Du kan for eksempel vedlægge et brev fra dit universitet, som angiver, hvor du ligger placeret i forhold til andre studerende ("ligger nummer 6 ud af 111" eller "ligger blandt de 8 % bedste"). Hvis dette ikke er muligt, kan du vedlægge en oversigt over, hvilke karakterer der blev givet på dit universitet det år, hvor du afsluttede din uddannelse.

Bemærk, at Aarhus BSS Graduate School forbeholder sig retten til at bedømme ansøgningerne ud fra den dokumentation, du har indsendt inden ansøgningsfristens udløb. Du vil altså ikke nødvendigvis skulle vise yderligere dokumentation. Derudover forbeholder Aarhus BSS Graduate School sig ret til, at afvise ansøgninger der ikke opfylder kravene i ansøgningsvejledningen (se link ovenfor).

Aarhus Universitet vil være en attraktiv og inspirerende arbejdsplads for alle og ønsker en kultur, hvor hver enkelt kan udfolde og udvikle sig. Vi ser ligestilling og diversitet som en styrke og opfordrer derfor alle interesserede til at ansøge.

Spørgsmål til stillingen?

Jessica Aschemann-Witzel

Jessica Aschemann-Witzel Professor, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse +4593508332 jeaw@mgmt.au.dk

Spørgsmål til ansøgning og proces?

Administrationscenter Aarhus BSS - Aarhus BSS HR & Ph.d. bss.hr@au.dk

Søg stillingen

Ansøgningsfrist: tirsdag den 4. jun 2024 kl. 23:59 CEST

36.500 studerende

inklusiv ph.d.-studerende

8.400 ansatte

opgjort i årsværk

7,3 mia. kr.
